Week Beginning Monday 8th March
Have a fantastic weekend Year 5. We are so proud of every single one of you as you have all be absolutely amazing! We are really looking forward to seeing you in person and we have planned some really exciting things for the next few weeks.
Just to remind you:
- PE/Games will be Wednesdays and Fridays so please come into school in your kit those days. Please have warm clothes as we will be outside as much as possible.
- Please bring only what you need (water bottle, coat. packed lunch if required) as we won’t be using the lockers for these 3 weeks.
- Please bring in any work that you wish us to see. We want to make a fabulous display of all of your amazing work and pictures that you sent us.
- Also, please could you bring in your SPaG book and Holes book as we will continue to use these.
See you Monday!
Mrs Hudson and Mrs Taylor.
Further to the meeting this morning below are the use guides to Teams that we discussed.
Guide for Parents
Video Player
Guide for pupils