Year R class

 Welcome to our class page!


Our class email is: 


We have had another very busy week!  We have recapped the rest of our phase 3 sounds. Your child has brought home some flash cards of the digraphs and trigraphs that that we have learnt so far. Please practice these with your child when you can, it really does make a difference, thank you! Here are some useful phase 3 links:




We had a Teams call with Year 6 on Tuesday in which the Year 6 children told us all about our joint planting a sunflower seed project.  Your child came home with a pot, a sunflower seed and some compost.  Please plant these over the Easter holidays and bring them back to school when we return after the Easter holiday. We are going to continue our virtual link with Year 6 as we track our sunflower seeds progress! Thank you!

We listened to the Easter story this week and enjoyed making our own Easter gardens.



We were very excited to visit the whole school exhibition in the hall this morning where we saw the work of each class in relation to our school vision, “From a tiny seed…..all things are possible.”  We were very proud of the work we produced and were so impressed with the work of all the other classes.  Well done everyone!



The Merit Certificate for this half term is awarded to:


Well done!


Our PE day will continue to be Tuesday next term.  Please can your child come to school in PE kit each week on a Tuesday with trainers that are suitable to be worn outside.  Thank you!

We hope you all have a lovely Easter holiday and look forward to seeing you all on Monday 12th April!

The EYFS Team.