School Improvement and Development Plan

What is a School Improvement and Development Plan and why do we need one?

Each year we produce a School Improvement and Development Plan (SIDP). The plan is the result of an analysis of our School’s needs, strengths and weaknesses as identified by our own monitoring, assessment and evaluation systems, as well as inspections and the Local Authority. The School Improvement and Development Plan contains our long term priorities and ambitions, which the school wishes to work towards, and also short term actions which will ensure that the long term priorities are achieved.

A School Improvement and Development Plan is a very full document. It is a strategic plan and, more importantly, a working document for all staff. We believe that it is important for everyone who has an interest in the future of our school to be aware of what we are striving to achieve, and of how we intend to do this. An overview of our Plan in headline form is available by clicking on the picture below.